The Sydney Morning Herald: Gok Wan to visit Canberra

Gok Wan to visit Canberra

There’s something magnetic about Gok Wan: British stylist, television idol, out-and-proud gay, the kind of man who can say ‘‘bangers’’ a lot and mean not sausages but breasts, and have his raving followers say it right along with him.

In his book, Through Thick and Thin, one image is particularly indelible: a younger, emaciated Gok, wretched with self-loathing and stuffed full of laxatives, flushing a pizza down a toilet, piece by piece. From these depths, he has emerged a healthy and compelling man with what seems like boundless self-confidence. It’s this self-confidence he tries to pass on to the women he styles.

Gok is coming to Canberra yet again. He’ll be at Westfield Woden on Friday from 6pm to 7pm doing a show during which he’ll sketch a new look to suit audience members’ assets. The shopping centre’s stylists will then bring the look to life.