Gok’s charity of the month – July: ABF The Soldiers’ Charity

Hi guys, now I know you all know I like a man in uniform…but sometimes I do have to tell you about some important things in life that aren’t just bags and boys. This month I have chosen The Soldiers’ Charity as my charity of the month and it’s nothing to do with their shiny boots or starched collars! These guys do the most incredible work to help the heroic soldiers of this country both past and present! Whether that is through supporting their families, or if they have suffered during service for our country, I truly believe we should support them in any way we can! The Soldiers’ Charity are the experts at getting proper help, and getting it fast to those who need it most. Please read on about all the work they do and support them in any way you can. Thanks guys, big kisses xxx

ABF The Soldiers’ Charity has been the national charity of the British Army since 1944. We’re here to support the men and women who put everything on the line to defend us, and our country. For over 67 years, we have given lifetime support to both serving and retired soldiers and their families.

The Soldiers’ Charity was founded in 1944 as The Army Benevolent Fund with the aim of giving practical help to our soldiers and veterans. We support the Army family by giving grants to individuals and other specialist charities that help soldiers and their families.

Our vital work includes supporting veterans from every conflict since the Second World War, including those from recent operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. We make grant payments within 48 hours of receipt, making a significant difference at a critical point in many lives.

Over the past year (2010/11), The Soldiers’ Charity has supported over 80 specialist charities and some 4000 individuals and we expect this to increase with the continuing operations in Afghanistan. In recent times we have seen a 12% increase in the number of grants to individuals and a 17% increase in the cost of grants to individuals. Our oldest beneficiary during the year was 104 and our youngest was 18 months old!.

We are The Soldiers’ Charity and we depend entirely on your donations and goodwill to help each and every soldier that needs their help

Check out our website for how you can get involved because the support you give can make a huge difference to a soldiers’ life. Why not fundraise or volunteer, leave a legacy or get your workplace to support The Soldiers’ Charity so that we can be there for soldiers, former soldiers and their families when they most need our help.

Visit The Soldiers’ Charity website
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